30 November 2018 – Mantova (Italy) – International Conference “Urban forestry and resilience cities: how to adapt to climate change”


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The National Association of Regions & Local Authorities for Sustainable Development “Italian Local Agenda 21 Coordination” (Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane”) have organized the International Conference  “Urban forestry and resilience cities: how to adapt to climate change” in Mantua (Italy) on Friday, 30 November 2018.

The event has been organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Mantua and Iuav University of Venice, within the framework of FAO “1st World Forum on Urban Forests – Changing the nature of cities: the role of urban forestry for green, healthier and happier future “ (Mantua, 28-30 November 2018).

The event has been realized in the framwork of the European LIFE projects on climate change adaptation: LIFE MASTER ADAPT and LIFE Veneto ADAPT.

The event, entirely in English, includes two Sessions:

Session I – Adaptation, resilience and forestation: the international, European and national scenario

International context on urban forestation as a strategy for the cities to adaptation to climate change: from the global and international scale to the European, national and local level.

Coordinator: Francesco Musco, IAUV University of Venice


Matthias Braubach, WHO – World Health Organization (presentation)

Laura Petrella, UN-Habitat – United Nations Human Settlements Programme (presentation)

Abdelkader Bensada, UNEP –  United Nations Environment Programme 

Simone Borelli, FAO –  Food and Agricolture Organization of the United Nations (presentation)

Edward Blakely, University of California, Berkeley (presentation)

Nicola Tollin, Southern Denmark University

Brian Kilkelly, Development Lead-Urban Transition – Climate KIC (presentation)

Patrizia Bianconi, Emilia Romagna Region

Simona Arletti, President of the Network “Rete Città Sane” (presentation)


Session II – Urban forestation and city resilience: sharing of best practices, experiences and ideas

The experiences of networks and cities: session of exchange and sharing of experiences and good practices on planning, projects and actions of urban forestation as a strategy of adaptation to climate change at urban level.

Coordinator: Piero Pelizzaro, Chief Resilience Officer – Municipality of Milan 


ATHENS: Eleni Myrivili, Chief Resilience Officer

BUENOS AIRES: David Groisman, Chief Resilience Officer (presentation)

LISBON: Carlos Castro, Chief Resilience Officer

MANCHESTER: Tony Hothersall, Director at Manchester City of Trees 

MELBOURNE: Toby KentChief Resilience Officer

PARIS: Noémie Fompeyrine, Deputy Chief Resilience Officer

QUITO: David Jàcome PolitChief Resilience Officer

TEL AVIV: Omri Carmon, Deputy Chief Resilience Officer

TORONTO: Elliott Cappell, Chief Resilience Officer

WASHINGTON DC: Andrea Limauro, Senior City Planner


BOLOGNA: Valentina Orioli, Councilor for Urban Planning and Environment (presentation)

MODENA: Marta Guidi, Environment Sector

MILAN: Piero Pelizzaro, Chief Resilience Officer (presentation)

PADUA: Maurizio Minicuci, Environment Sector

PRATO: Valerio Barberis, Councilor for Urban Planning and Public works

TURIN: Alberto Unia, Councilor for Environmental policies and Urban public green areas.



Sergio Costa, Italian Minister for Environment (greeting letter)

For more information, see the Agenda of the event.


Event realized in collaboration with the Order of Architects of Mantua, the Order of Engineers of the Province of Mantua, the Council of the National Order of Agronomists and Foresters, the Order of Agronomists and Foresters of the Province of Mantua.

 Event credited for: 

4 CFP credits from the Order of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservatives of the Province of Mantua 

4 CFP credits from the Order of Engineers of the Province of Mantua

0.5 CFP credits for Agronomists and Foresters according to Reg. CONAF 3/13.



L’Associazione Nazionale Coordinamento Agende 21 Locali Italiane, ha organizzato a Mantova venerdì 30 novembre 2018 la conferenza internazionale “Forestazione urbana e resilienza delle città: come adattarsi ai cambiamenti climatici”.

L’evento è stato organizzato in collaborazione con il Comune di Mantova e con l’Università IUAV di Venezia, in occasione dell’evento FAO “1st World Forum on Urban Forests – Changing the nature of cities: the role of urban forestry for a green, healthier and happier future” (Mantova, 28 novembre-30 novembre 2018).

L’evento è stato realizzato nell’ambito dei progetti LIFE co-finanziati dalla Commissione Europea sui cambiamenti climatici: LIFE MASTER ADAPT LIFE Veneto ADAPT.

L’evento interamente in lingua inglese comprende due Sessioni:

Sessione I – Inquadramento di carattere internazionale sulla tematica della forestazione urbana come strategia di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici dal livello globale/internazionale, al livello europeo, nazionale e regionale.

Sessione II – Le esperienze delle reti e delle città: confronto, scambio e condivisione di esperienze e buone pratiche su piani, progetti, azioni ed interventi di forestazione urbana come strategia di adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici a livello urbano.

Per maggiori dettagli vedi il Programma dell’evento.

Evento realizzato in collaborazione con Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Mantova, Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Mantova, Consiglio dell’Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali, Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali della Provincia di Mantova.

Evento accreditato per: 4 CFP dall’ Ordine degli Architetti PPC di Mantova

4 CFP dall’Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Mantova

0,5 CFP dall’Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali della Provincia di Mantova ai sensi del Reg. CONAF 3/13.